CoolSculpting New Jersey
Are you Ready to See a Slimmer you?
Freeze away your fat with CoolSculpting, the #1 non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world! Millions of men and women choose CoolSculpting to eliminate stubborn bulges, such as belly fat, love handles, thigh fat, upper arm fat, and double chins. Numerous clinical studiesⁱ prove that CoolSculpting really works and results are natural looking and long lasting. The treatment is safe, FDA cleared, and requires no downtime, making CoolSculpting the perfect non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
Are you ready to transform your body by freezing away stubborn fat? Get skinny and sculpted with Dr. Merlo, a top CoolSculpting NJ provider at Best Reflections. Conveniently located in Princeton and Lawrenceville, call Best Reflections Center today at 609-482-3503 and save 25% off CoolSculpting cost.
Find out if CoolSculpting® is right for me
The Benefits of CoolSculpting
- Eliminate stubborn fat
- Non-Surgical alternative to liposuction
- 5 million + procedures performed to date
- Backed by scienceⁱ & cleared by the FDA
- Safe, non-invasive, and no downtime
- Long-term fat reduction
- Natural looking results
- Treatments performed by CoolSculpting physician
- Latest applicators for shorter treatment time
CoolSculpting Before and After Pictures*
Real People. Real Results
CoolSculpting before and after pictures demonstrate the impressive transformations that result from freezing away fat. Individual results may vary, but the people shown in these CoolSculpting before and after pictures are real patients, experiencing typical fat reductions following CoolSculpting treatments.*
Are you asking yourself “Is Coolsculpting Right for Me?”
If you’re not sure if you could benefit from CoolSculpting, ask yourself:
· Do you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror?
· Do you not like the way you look in clingy clothes? Do you not wear them?
· Do you have tight jeans in your closet that you want to fit into?
· Do you not like your body changes compared to a younger you in photos?
· Are you frustrated overpaying the high costs of a personal trainer and health club membership fees and still have fat pads?
· Does your not liking your looks affect your self-esteem?
· Do you want to reduce your fat without the side effects of surgery?
If you answered yes, then Coolsculpting is for you!
How Does Cool Sculpting Work?

Cool Sculpting eliminates fat using a scientifically developed mechanism known as cryolipolysis (“cryo” = freeze + “lipo” = fat + “lysis” = cell destruction.) During a Cool Sculpting treatment, a stubborn fat deposit is exposed to controlled cooling using an applicator connected to the Cool Sculpting machine. The controlled cooling freezes underlying fat cells without harming the overlying skin or surrounding tissue. Once fat cells are frozen, they crystallize and rupture. This stimulates the body’s lymphatic system to collect and process the destroyed fat cells out of the body over the span of several weeks.ⁱⁱ
Are CoolSculpting results Permanent?
Once fat cells are excreted from the body, those fat cells are gone for good. They cannot grow back. This provides long-term fat reduction and Cool Sculpting results that last. The longevity of Cool Sculpting results is demonstrated in a longitudinal study that evaluated the visibility of fat reductions 9 years after a single Cool Sculpting treatment. The researchers found that after nearly a decade, results were still clearly evident, despite mild fluctuations in weight. The researchers conclude, “Local reductions in fat have significant longevity…suggest[ing] results from Cryolipolysis may be very long-lasting.”ⁱⁱⁱ
How Much Does Cool Sculpting Cost?
Cool Sculpting is a highly customizable procedure, which means Cool Sculpting cost varies per patient depending on their individual treatment plans, how many areas receive treatment, and what applicators perform the cooling cycles. The best way to find out how much Cool Sculpting costs is to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Merlo. During your complimentary consultation, you and Dr. Merlo will discuss if Cool Sculpting is right for you, and if so, customize a treatment plan that addresses your problem areas while staying within your budget.
Cool Sculpting Prices in New Jersey – As a leading Cool Sculpting NJ provider, Dr. Merlo offers promotions that provide big savings on Cool Sculpting cost. Call today to learn more about current specials and ways to save on Cool Sculpting Cost in Princeton, NJ and Lawrenceville, NJ.
CoolSculpting side effects & CoolSculpting Risk
CoolSculpting is a safe, FDA cleared procedure that uses precisely controlled cooling to eliminate fat non-invasively. In addition, CoolSculpting requires no downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities immediately following the treatment. This includes exercising and returning to work. Cool Sculpting is praised for its high safety profile and low occurrence of CoolSculpting risks. Although CoolSculpting side effects are rare, some patients experience symptoms associated with an immune response as the body works to process the destroyed fat cells. These symptoms may include redness, numbing, tenderness, or bruising localized around the treatment area. If these symptoms do occur, they are usually mild and clear up within days. During your free CoolSculpting consultation, Dr. Merlo will discuss what to expect following a CoolSculpting treatment in detail, including potential CoolSculpting side effects and CoolSculpting risks.*
CoolSculpting Testimonials and CoolSculpting Reviews
CoolSculpting reviews and testimonials are overwhelming positive. The CoolSculpting treatment touts one of the highest “worth it” ratings on realself and scientific studies measuring patient satisfaction report that “89% of respondents report[ed] a positive perception of treatment duration”ⁱ and “82% of patients would recommend the Cryolipolysis procedure to a friend.”ⁱⁱ
In addition to CoolSculpting testimonials and reviews by patients, major media outlets provide their readership with CoolSculpting reviews from editors who undergo the treatment. Time magazine explains that “the hugely popular CoolSculpting…painlessly freezes body fat…” CoolSculpting reviews from ELLE magazine describe the treatment as “a proven liposuction alternative” declaring “the technology is incredibly effective.” The popularity of fat freezing among men who want to reduce belly fat , love handles, or fat in the chest area is reflected in CoolSculpting reviews coming from men’s magazines such as GQ magazine that proclaims “CoolSculpting really works!”
Is Cool Sculpting Right for Me?
Cool Sculpting is intended for healthy women and men who are bothered by stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. Cool Sculpting is prescribed for removing larger bulges located on the abdomen (belly fat,) flanks (love handles,) thighs, upper arms and other large areas, as well as smaller bulges such as submental fullness (double chin,) armpit fat (bra bulge,) and even fat deposits located above the knees. Besides eliminating fat, Cool Sculpting does an excellent job at body contouring, defining musculature and sculpting attractive contours.
What is DualSculpting?
Best Reflections offers DualSculpting: The use of two CoolSculpting machines at once, to double the treatment, in half of the time.
Meet Your Personal Cool Sculpting Physician – Dr. Merlo

Like most cosmetic treatments, the specialist who performs the procedure greatly influences the aesthetic outcome. Dr. Angela Merlo, an award-winning physician with more than 20 years of experience, performs all Cool Sculpting treatments from the Cool Sculpting Treatment Center. This distinguishes the Cool Sculpting Treatment Center from other Cool Sculpting providers in New Jersey who commonly delegate this delicate procedure to staff members who lack any professional medical training.
CoolSculpting Near Me:
Get Started with the premier CoolSculpting NJ provider.
If you are looking for the leading Cool Sculpting NJ provider, contact Dr. Merlo at the digestive health and nutrition center by signing up online or calling 609-482-3503. Dr. Merlo delivers Cool Sculpting results you will absolutely love at some of the best Cool Sculpting prices in New Jersey.
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